In this high-risk industry, it is imperative that all Lifting Operations are suitably planned and supervised throughout. This is to ensure that all operations are carried out in a Safe manner and that all legal obligations are met and abided by.
Complete Lifting Services Ltd offers a consultancy services at every stage of your project, from tender to completion. Lifting management or crane management can have a major impact on contract duration and costs if provision is not made at the planning / tender stages. We can provide a practical consultancy service which helps to ensure your projects are HSE compliant and cost effective.
Working closely with your project team, we review all submitted documentation for your proposed lifting operation. This enables us to ensure the proposed cranes and team being contracted by the client meets the standard required legally. In addition to this we discuss with you any site-specific details and requirements, ensuring these have been given consideration by the contractor.
Once all has been signed off and agreed, Complete Lifting Services ltd can supply a consultant with relevant experience to oversee the planned works being implemented.
Whether you require a full management package for large multiple tower crane sites to third party RAMS reviews and sign off from one of our qualified appointed persons we have the right skills, knowledge and insurance to cover all scenarios.