The main factors in determining the size of crane required are the weight of the load and the distance (or ‘radius’) from the crane it is being lifted or placed. There can however be other considerations such as load characteristics or restricted access, which influence the type and size of crane.
We cover the whole of the UK and Channel Islands.
CPA Crane Hire
Contractually, the entire lift is the responsibility of you, the customer. You must be insured against injury and damage to the equipment and third parties during the lift. You must also make sure there is an Appointed Person and suitable professionals available to supervise the lift while it is taking place and a suitable trained Slinger Signaller to attach and detach the load. You must also ensure that there is a Safe System of work in place (Lift Plan) that the lifting appliance operator can read and work to.
CPA Contract Lift
The Lifting Appliance, Operator and the lift operation remain primarily the responsibility of Complete Lifting Services throughout the operation. This means that the hirer insures the plant against damage, and takes legal liability for any injury, loss, damage or destruction to property that takes place during the lift – including damage to the goods and materials being lifted. They are ensuring that the lifting operations is suitably planned and that a safe system of work is in place. They also provide the qualified and competent personnel to carry out and complete the lifting operation.
There are advantages and disadvantages to both CPA crane hire and Contract Lift. At the end of the day, the decision you make will be very much based on your budget, the resources you have on site, your insurance. Most Crane hire companies will offer both types of service, so in a nutshell, your decision as a procurement manager or buyer is based on how much you wish to reduce risk compared with how much you are willing to spend upfront. Unfortunately, risk is so often an intangible factor, while the balance book is not.
Debit card or BACS Payment: the funds will need to be cleared prior to the start date of the hire.
Apply for an account with us (Subject to credit checks), and receive an invoice (30-day payment terms from receipt of invoice)
We offer a wide range of products and services from Contract Lift Supply to tower crane management. Please browse the home page to find what you are looking for.
Within BS7121-1:2016 (Code of practice for safe use of cranes) it states that a safe system of work should be established and followed for every crane installation operation or lifting operation, whether it is an individual lift or a group of repetitive operations.
All lifting operations should be planned to ensure that they are carried out safely and that all foreseeable risks are taken into account. Planning should be carried out by the appointed person who has the appropriate knowledge for the lift being undertaken. The outcome of the planning process should be a written lift plan which includes risk assessments, method statements and supporting information, such as a schedule of lifts, drawings and photographs.
The definition of “Lifting Operation or Lift” is the movement of loads or persons that involves a change of height. This means that is you intend to use any item of plant to carry out a “Lift” i.e. Crane (All Types), Forklift (All Types), Excavators. It is a requirement under the code of practice to have a Safe System of work in place which is inclusive of a Lift Plan.
British Standards and British Standard Codes of Practice do not have the force of law, but they do represent best practice and may be referred to in a court of law in the event of an accident and if you cannot prove that the system you were utilising was superior to the standard you could indeed face prosecution. It is therefore in the best interests of all involved in the use of lifting appliances to follow their recommendations.